10 Symptoms You're Psychic! Test!

10 symptoms that you are paranormal

Today let's take a look at the 10 signs that you are psychic!

Psychic gifts

Before we move on to the 10 signs that you are psychic, it is nice to take a moment to think about what gifts are exactly. There are actually 7 gifts, 5 of which are very well known. Clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairhearing, clairsmelling, claircognizance, clairspeak and clairtaste. All these gifts have known and unknown symptoms. Today we focus on the known. So we focus less on the fact that clairvoyance can give you a headache, but more on the part of being auras and truths. We focus less on tinnitus by getting clairaudience, but more on hearing voices.

Online Course: Discover and Develop Spiritual and Psychic Abilities

How do you get a gift?

There are a few ways people get a gift:

You can of course have a gift from birth. If so, it's because it's you life lesson is to be able to deal with it in this life. A piece of heredity is also related to this. For example, if your mother is already someone who dreams a lot, the chance that you can perceive ghosts is already much higher. Both are branches of clairvoyant;

-In addition: if you are in your area You hear a lot about a gift, even if it is in such a subtle, innocent way as dreams, then your gift also gets room to be normal and develop. You can also be born with a gift;

-But you can do this one too develop later, where you find yourself in another situation where your gift is needed! Think of an unsafe environment, where you really clairsentience need (predicting danger) or clairaudience (every time your ear rings, something bad is about to happen). Or a safe environment! For example, a nice workplace where having a certain gift is very useful;

-Finally, you can remember gifts from past lives. These are the gifts you most quickly fall back on, such as in unsafe situations or when you first try to read a photo.

Often a gift doesn't just come because you want it† For example, sometimes you would like to clairvoyantly to communicate with your beloved deceased. Often this is not given because one of the above points does not resonate with you completely or because the universe wants you to find another way of communicating, so that you become wiser.

1/5 out of 10 signs that you are psychic

I will describe the symptoms using the five main gifts. The list applies of course to gifts in children.

1: Clairvoyance: If you are clairvoyant, a clear signal of that is: dreaming. je dreams about your (possible) future, your past lives, about what others are going through, about your deepest desires and fears, etc.. To be able to see so deep and far means of course that you are clairvoyant, although you may not yet understand your dreams. And that seeing ghosts falls under clairvoyance is about the No. 1 that people consider to be psychic. These appear in dreams or to the naked eye;

2: One having déjà vu also falls under clairvoyance. Did you know that getting a déjà vu is much more than 'just the feeling that you have experienced something'? Actually, a déjà vu is seeing timelines† That means that you feel that a different timeline, a different step in your life (for example, that time you had to choose between 2 jobs) would have brought you to that same point in your life. So having a déjà vu often indicates that you are at a point in your life where you need to be, for example according to your life lessons. Or, of course, it refers to a past life that you also experienced something in this place;

3: Then we go to clairaudience: hearing ghosts or insights hearing from your guides is obvious, but did you know that there too angry voices can come and have a look? Often that is a counter to having negative energy around you;

4: Another signal is that you are with an acquaintance always wants to say or really says something at the same time† Then you hear each other's thoughts before it takes place. Usually you only have this with a soul mate or someone who is also clairaudience;

5: Clairvoyance: clairvoyance already exists if you simply know when the other is calling† Or at exactly that moment wanted to call completely automatically or simply picked up your mobile for no reason;

5 / 10 symptoms that you are psychic

6: point 5 may seem innocent, but can indicate a deep connection between you. But clairvoyance can also be so much more: how about that time you took a different exit or canceled something at the last minute and suddenly it turned out that an accident or something like that had happened? Because then, probably unconsciously, you knew you had to avoid that, it ended well. Not everyone has experienced this point, but think back to certain situations or the stories of others;

7: Clairsentience: To feel clairvoyant means to feel natural where another hurts what kind of emotion he has† Sometimes in such a way that you feel it yourself and are bothered by it;

8: But you can also use a to feel the end of something, often accompanied by clairvoyance. If someone talks about their new job and you feel something negative about it or you suddenly find yourself begrudging your boyfriend, it doesn't necessarily mean begrudging, but can subtly sense the future;

9: Then finally we go to the last main gift: clairvoyance. The most well-known form is of course smelling the scent of your deceased loved one. Or smells you can't place. And then you come to point 10:

10: You smell what someone is thinking or what someone is doing. Or that he thinks of you! Of course there are quite a few factors that can make all those smells unclear, but they are always signs and information. Like someone smoking weed right now, or just thinking about you because you smell the standard smell of him.

Can't get enough? Read more here symptoms of being psychic!


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It is my passion to make the invisible tangible.

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