5 Clear Benefits of Hypnosis!
Today we discuss 5 clear benefits of hypnosis. But first: what is hypnosis? During hypnotization we make a connection between the conscious and subconscious of someone. A consciousness is the 'you and I'. Just us who act consciously in everyday life. Thinking consciously about what we want to eat, for example. A subconscious mind is someone's inner voice. It is also called intuition or automatism. That's the one that causes such an incredible craving for, say, fatty foods. Only sometimes that urge is good. And we need some grease. But sometimes it is not good at all and it becomes too much. It is sometimes difficult to understand. In addition, the urge for fatty food can also have many other causes, such as dissatisfaction, lack of information about healthy eating, etc.
In any case, the subconscious can accomplish a lot. Especially in feeling and emotion. But don't forget physical complaints either. Often the subconscious wants to say something. For example, he wants to tell you that you can follow your heart more or that you should no longer deal with a certain person. But he cannot communicate as clearly as consciousness. Then he often opts for a complaint such as a pain or so, to follow the example, an appetite for fatty food. But sometimes wanting to eat fat is just the opposite automatism, and that also comes from the subconscious. The subconscious is therefore not always fully controllable and certainly not adaptable. But I'm going to help you with that today.
How does hypnotizing work?
Hypnosis is often rightly compared to someone in trance bring under guided meditation. Some describe the process or feeling as if they were daydreaming. But what actually happens behind that is that during hypnosis you communicate with someone's consciousness and subconscious. And normally we really only communicate with consciousness. Sometimes not, that's when someone deeply insults us or when we experience something intense. Then it is so strong that the subconscious also gets it.
But during hypnosis we communicate with both in this way: we put the consciousness to work. He is given assignments during hypnosis to distract him as much as possible. Because of this, it offers the opportunity to communicate with the subconscious. We then ask the subconscious to make something clear to the conscious. That is where the communication between the two takes place. It is different in every hypnosis what that looks like. Some people watch it on a TV, others see a silhouette or person as a subconscious. The best part is that no one can influence that. Ok not the hypnotist. It is a safe and and reliable conversation between them.
Not everyone can be hypnotized. You have to trust that communicating with your subconscious is necessary and that it exists at all. And it does not matter at all if one does not believe in this. Then another form of help simply fits! Finally, some cannot go into hypnosis because they are unsure of themselves or because they are too busy with daily life.
5 clear benefits of hypnosis
But what does and doesn't work for hypnosis, after it appears that we are open to it? Let me run through the points with you!
1: Inner child heal: sometimes things get into this or it previous life us so deeply that our consciousness is very upset about it. Think of sleepless nights or experiencing anger. In addition to EMDR, hypnosis is a good move for that. We often use something called 'healing reliving', of course with safety in mind;
2: Visualize: some people really like to visualize. It resembles meditation and is often used to calm down or to connect with gifts or deceased. But in hypnosis you can also achieve a lot. You can then ask the subconscious for reinforcement of a gift, meet a guide or apply a wide range of other possibilities!;
3: Moment for yourself: what fits in very well with this is of course a moment for yourself. Just like meditating. Good hypnosis also equals at least two hours of sleep;
4: Automation: often a good thing. He's the one who makes sure we pull our hand away in time when a knife falls or the one who brakes in traffic when you weren't really paying attention. But sometimes automation gets annoying. Where it started with learning to snap your fingers, this behavior now happens to you. The subconscious just applies this. But also think of deeper things like tackling defense mechanisms such as wanting to keep control;
5: Time travel: Allows you to see your future, but that is still quite unknown. A better known one is understanding your past life and reliving it healingly.
Vormen van hypnoses
Below you will find 3 suitable forms of hypnosis. Think of regression for processing your childhood and past life, but also understanding where tics come from. And Allen comes back to a moment for yourself. Please read them carefully! In addition to these 3, there are more: hypnoses really aimed at complaints, a stop smoking hypnosis or a virtual gastric band hypnosis.