The Chinese horoscope for 2024 per zodiac sign!

The Chinese horoscope for 2024 by zodiac sign

Welcome to the year of it dragon! Last year was the year of the rabbit! This horoscope can be read based on your own zodiac sign. Your own zodiac sign in the Chinese horoscope will be colored by the year of the dragon and the Chinese New Year starts on February 10, 2024 and lasts until January 28, 2025! Are you curious about what this year will entail for you? Then quickly read the Chinese horoscope per zodiac sign for 2024! Please note: the horoscope is written based on the energy and how it is for most people. Sometimes results can differ as a result.

Just curious about the chinese horoscope for 2025 in the year of the snake? Please click!

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Featured first: the dragon!



Born in: 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012

  • Vibrancy;
  • To be found irresistible;
  • extroverted;
  • Be proud;
  • and feels special.

These are the qualities that describe you the most. Even though you sometimes seem like an introvert, there is a lot of exuberance in you. It will be this year your year! This means that there is not much rest involved. Expect a lot of weekends away or people who want to meet up at the last minute. There is no time for loneliness this year.

Now exuberance is a lot of fun, but there are also some less fun sides about which I would like to warn you. This is how you prevent… money problems. They are more likely to emerge this year. Be aware and say no or look for cheaper options. Think of buying together or arranging a discount voucher instead of spontaneously going to a restaurant.

Op romantic area you will find yourself attracting people with strong opinions, even if you are in a relationship. These opinions are about you and how they would view you as a romantic partner! Those compliments will feel strange, but it will also feel like many are trying to cross your boundaries. Or even trying to end your relationship. Be alert to it and you will be fine. However, it will probably not be a sparse year. Not like last year.

In terms of work, you can just do it change of job to experience. Often based on your own decision and sometimes a little too impulsive. However, dismissal can also occur more quickly due to all the changes that everyone is experiencing. Companies also have to deal with a lot of impulsiveness, wanting to get on the map, etc. This involves a necessary change of job or job description!

Read about your own zodiac sign in the Chinese horoscope as of 2024!

The other predictions based on the zodiac signs in the Chinese horoscope per zodiac sign for 2024!

Rate: 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020

  • Charmer;
  • Analytical thinking;
  • Attaching importance to matter;
  • Efficiency;
  • Enterprising;
  • flexible.
  • and sometimes a little vain.

Not properties in themselves that really clash with the dragon, the one that is central this year. So it will be for you a year that suits you! Especially when you look at the exuberance, changing events and people jumping from one thing to another. Sometimes you will miss the fact that people do not think carefully before saying or doing something. It is your job to take up that space for yourself. On the other side is get out of your head this year also a wonderful challenge.

You will face challenges in the financial field. You will often feel like you are being dragged into other people's expenses. Fortunately, these are not completely new situations, they just happen more often than usual.

In the field of love you will experience patterns of attraction and repulsion this year. This can happen in your own relationship, but you will especially notice it when you are single and dating. You will constantly be confronted with behavior that is either very similar to how you are or you will encounter people who do not dare to contradict themselves at all. Of course, that may not be what you are looking for in a relationship. In any case, it will be exciting! That is also very nice in a current relationship.

You: 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021

  • Suffering from a temperament;
  • Strong;
  • Hard worker;
  • Full of patience;
  • Quirky;
  • Convenience above all.

Fortunately, what will be central this year is quite similar to the dragon. Dragons are also of exuberance and ease. You will notice that the year of the dragon is... temper which will nourish more. This is more likely to lead to angry moods, especially towards people who are either very quiet or very exuberant. You're really looking for an equal this year. My advice is also to look for nice hobbies so that you can burn off your energy. You will not always feel understood by others. That's because people can't keep up with dragons that easily, and neither can you.

Career-wise, you don't have much to fear. But the combination of hard work and at the same time cutting corners can cause confusion for the employer. So be careful, because this year many companies will fill their jobs differently and so will their staff.

In terms of relationships, you soon notice that you're rolling over your (new) partner! You will be incredibly nourished in your extroversion this year. That can make people feel overwhelmed. And you can't make up for that with everyone with a gift.

Tiger: 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022

  • Standing up for people;
  • thorough;
  • Honestly;
  • Allergic to injustice;
  • Brave;
  • Choose short routes;
  • Entrepreneur;
  • And how vain.

Hi tiger. What awaits you in the Chinese horoscope per zodiac sign for 2024? This year will be incredibly double for you. On the one hand, you can easily keep up with the dragon energy, but you will notice that those around you are much less able to do so. There is little stability. Then hard decisions are made and people are pushed aside, in all areas.

This year you will have a lot of fun with you appearance to be busy. At some point you will notice that many others are also suddenly interested in this. Enjoy that!

If you are an entrepreneur, and that chance is of course high, then you will not be bothered by that instability as much. This is more likely to occur in salaried services. It will actually be a great year for you financially, but only if you really dare to put yourself on the map! If you have ideas, don't be ashamed of them. People look for unique ideas!

In the field of love, just like last year, you will meet many people who suit you and the same standards and values to have. Delicious. Although you will sometimes notice that you attract arrogant partners.


Born in 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011

This is you in a nutshell:

  • Sensitive;
  • Intuitive;
  • Nice;
  • Carefully;
  • and does not like conflict.

Last year you were central! That was nice. You could learn a lot about yourself and that was necessary. You have become stronger and you have done well. This will be tested immediately next year! This year there is an energy that will be opposite to you, namely exuberance, pride and people who do not mince their words.

You will notice that at work people walk over you more quickly. That's really not nice, but know that people are also doing this this year to push you. You can do better, just show yourself. But stay true to yourself: you simply don't participate in arguing about nothing.

In love you will mainly meet partners opposite in character than yourself. Fortunately, this can often go hand in hand very beautifully. So this year will actually be very positive for love, whether it is in your own relationship or a new relationship! The energy also ensures that you will receive many compliments and feel beautiful.

Language: 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013

  • Smart;
  • Cunning;
  • Exciting;
  • Creative;
  • Sensual;
  • but sometimes unreliable.

Living as a snake in the year of the dragon has some similarities. But not everyone will go along with your evil plans. People are simply less likely to fall for that this year. Next year it will be about impulsiveness and just doing it. So do you have plans, ideas or challenges? Be honest and confident. This is how you will succeed.

At work you will notice that you are keeping up well. Although sometimes you won't be completely in line with the rest, overall you won't be left out. You will notice what your real feelings about 'being an employee' are this year. Chances are you'll dream a lot about it start for yourself.

When it comes to love, you notice more connection than last year, much more even. That's because you are into packing someone else. And the other person will respond very positively to that. Delicious.

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Horse: 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014

  • Fidelity;
  • Nice;
  • Unstoppable;
  • Follow intuition;
  • Eager to learn;
  • Popular;
  • and sometimes selfish.

This year will be very interesting for you. Unfortunately, there won't be time for learning new things. You are quickly drawn to new things, but people often won't finish them. And you neither. In short: you go an eventful year meet! You will get to know yourself and your own norms and values.

At work it will also be very difficult. On the one hand, you know how to manipulate your intuition to fit in. On the other hand, you will notice that this disappoints you. You constantly wonder how other people can or want to be so reckless. Normally you are the one who rolls over others and is automatically inhibited, but now that doesn't happen and it makes you think.

When it comes to love, you may meet many people who suit you this year! Please notep that you meet many people who are looking for shorter relationships and stability than you are.

Goat: 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015

  • Artistic;
  • Calm;
  • Passionate;
  • Great imagination;
  • Honestly; 
  • and sometimes a little too artistic.

This year will be very different for you. Fortunately, you can lose the artistic element. You get enough people crazy enough to try new things with you. Think of trying a new bar or doing something spontaneous like going karting. You will notice that you do not always get your honesty back the way you want it. People surprisingly forget their appointments faster this year.

If we talk about finances, this will be a year in which you can pay a lot of attention. Pay attention to whether agreements are kept when you discuss them with colleagues, but also consider receipts that are more likely to be incorrect in restaurants. What's nice is that your creativity skyrockets. A good year for doing business!

In love you will have plenty of challenges! It just quickly becomes too much. Then don't let your fatigue make you give up on a relationship. Sometimes an opposite suits you perfectly.

Monkey: 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016

  • Compassionate;
  • Very creative;
  • Pleased;
  • Funny;
  • but sometimes want to keep the peace for too long.

Hi monkey. This year will be very interesting for you! You will notice that you are less able to cope with your feelings this year, but that is also less necessary. People prefer not to talk about their emotions because of the energy of the dragon. This will give you a lot of time for your creative and cheerful plans. People don't come like that anymore quickly to you for help as usual! So a year of rest is coming.

At work things are different every day. The atmosphere cannot be gauged, but will generally be good. However, plans and ideas around you change weekly, so a lot of flexibility is required of you. A hard game is often played as well. So you will be needed to mediate.

In terms of love, you will notice that it is a bit more difficult to connect. That's because you will notice that after a period of dating, people are not quite right for you. That means staying close to your intuition to find the right one! If you are already in a relationship, it is important to continue to communicate well.

Rooster: 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017

  • Colorful;
  • Knows no fear;
  • Standing up for others;
  • Nice and earthy;
  • but sometimes a bit blunt.

Will this be your year, rooster? It is good that you have no fear, because you will need it a lot. People around you will be very impulsive and you will quickly end up in situations that may not suit you, but are still very fun! Standing up for others is not something many people do anymore, so you will be needed. Fortunately, you have both feet on the ground and you will make the coming year your year. If it doesn't work one way, then try another!

At work you notice that you can happily continue what you were doing. You will have an easy time letting go of what others are doing. There are enough incentives to keep you interested.

In the field of love you will find that in one way or another attracts the right people or uses the correct approach completely automatically. You're going easy on this subject!

Dog: 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018

  • Fidelity;
  • Be open;
  • Does not like lying;
  • Attention to detail;
  • and sometimes a bit pessimistic.

Hi, dog. For you, this year is going to be very different from the last. For you, after the (too) long period of rest, period of exuberance. Nice though! You have to consciously plan your rest yourself, but others will not worry about that. Those around you will mainly do what they want! This means that lying is not involved much, but sometimes bluntness is involved. The way choices are made and how every now and then you are not chosen can sometimes hurt.

Financially, you notice that you can once again stay close to yourself. You will especially notice that you are on an island and work and think in that way. Even if you feel like everyone around you is acting 'whatever', don't forget to be open to their ideas. Even if they say a lot that is of no use to you, the next piece of feedback they give can still be very accurate. So be careful that you continue to reflect on yourself!

Unfortunately, you will also have the island feeling when it comes to love. It's hard to get a good date, but once you get a date, it will go well. In relationships you can sometimes also experience the feeling of alienation from each other. So always throw this up and open it!

Finally, the last in the Chinese horoscope for 2024 by zodiac sign- Pig: 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019

  • Sweet;
  • Respectful;
  • Honestly;
  • Pleasure;
  • and sometimes a bit gullible.

Pig, a year in which for you unfortunately your sweetness will not always be appreciated anymore. Therefore, always remember to stay true to yourself, because sometimes you will be tested quite a bit. Remember: there are always people in the same boat as you. Your kindness will still be rewarded if you give it to the people who deserve it at that moment.

In terms of work, you notice that you can easily score jobs. Delicious! This also has to do with being yourself. The better you continue to feel what makes you happy, the easier everything will be for you. Don't forget to make decisions quickly enough and sometimes push your customer a little more; they need it.

In the field of love you notice a number wonderful fiery romances waiting for you. Dare to go out and you won't be disappointed.

This was the weather for the Chinese horoscope per zodiac sign for 2024! What did you recognize for yourself?


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It is my passion to make the invisible tangible.

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