The full moon of October 28, 2023!

The full moon of October 28, 2023

The full moon of October 28! This time it's all about Scorpio. Here you can also read the current horoscope ! During the the previous full supermoon we experienced temperature differences, fatigue and a dry mouth. It meant that we were open to spiritual sensations and were easily tired by stimuli. This made it important to drink well. All in all, an exhausting supermoon.

We often experience this full moon sore throat, stiff shoulders and love for nature! The first two complaints are mainly caused by stimuli from others. That's also called high sensitivity. It is also a combination of what it then does to you, which makes you open to complaints again. Your subconscious will therefore also play a role this moon. The affinity with nature is simply your wonderful approach and grounding method! Would you like to know more about how to deal with the full moon? Let's read on!

The full moon of October 28, 2023

During this full moon we are more open than usual. This means that we feeling stimuli from others and not only of others, but also of things, animals, spirits and memories. That's quite a bite! That's why it really hurts your throat. Why? Because all those stimuli from other people and things leave little room for ourselves. This means that we cannot express ourselves or do or say what we really want. It is this phenomenon that causes your subconscious to come into play. This is capable of giving you complaints and this is how the sore throat will arise for many of us. How you occupy your space is actually not through visualizations this time. But actually do literal things. Say that you also want to say something. Or just cancel plans if you really don't feel like it today. This is how you stand up for yourself. Or go into nature to relax!

De nature will calm you down. Because there are mainly calm and sweet stimuli, they counteract the busy stimuli of everyone around you. So that's great. Don't stay indoors too much and go for a nice walk or bike ride. You will also simply notice that you feel like taking care of plants or buying a bunch of flowers. That is also your subconscious that controls you. And plants and nature sometimes also want to absorb negative energy for you. A plant is alive namely.


You have noticed a lot of pressure on you lately. Pressure from work, pressure from people who expect something from you. It's like there's no end to it. That will come to the fore even more this moon, on your shoulders. The pressure on your shoulders and the reason why you have hunched shoulders and neck pain is because of all those expectations. If you do not adjust or make these expectations clear as best as possible, this will remain. Below are great tips to give yourself the strength to say no:

-Procrastinate first. Are you being robbed? Or if you feel that yes is expected too quickly, say that you need to take a look at your agenda;

-Consciously plan parts of the day free. Accept for yourself that having a night off planned is also something that has been planned and should therefore not be cancelled;

-Ask yourself whether the question you receive can only be asked to you or that someone else can do it too;

-Evaluate anyway a friendship from time to time;

-Be honest. Say you just don't know yet;

-Don't respond to threats. For example, you can comment on the fact that someone feels very alone, but it is really not necessary. In addition, sometimes people such as employers threaten: 'then I will ask someone else'. Do not respond to this if you have said that you want to look at your agenda. Remember: you are the one who goes to bed exhausted and wakes up with yourself, and not the other person.

Tips for the moon

In summary, this moon is a good moon to learn about your limits and stay true to yourself. Learn that being alone is also a strength. And sometimes letting someone else be alone too! Sometimes things resolve themselves. What you can also enjoy doing this moon is playing with plants. What do they want to tell you? When do they hang? What do they need? Your plant can make it clear to you this moon! What do you already experience from the full moon of October 28?

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It is my passion to make the invisible visible.
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