The full moon of July 3, 2023!
The full moon of July 3, 2023 is coming again! During the day the full moon of last June we experienced business processing and a lot of love around us. How wonderful that was. That really felt like an awarded and blessed few days. The full moon of now will be very different again. Space was made available last month to fill it in with new things this period! These days we can expect reinforcement on our psychic abilities and therefore also a lot of thoughtfulness.
This means that we can begin to experience signals on many of our senses. For example, we can see shadows or smell odors or suddenly get a ringing in the ears. Gifts not only come in nice ways, but also come in annoying forms. And the thoughtfulness is really a trade-off. Because we reflect on ourselves, we have the space to notice our gifts! Let's take a quick look at how everything will take shape!
The full moon of July 3, 2023
Let's dwell on it a little more psychic abilities. What are these actually? Gifts always come from high sensitivity. Everyone is highly sensitive, but not everyone shows the same signals. Most people think that being highly sensitive means that you have to get tired easily, get emotional quickly or be very empathetic. That's just not true at all. That is the case with clairsentient people, but not everyone is. You have 6 other gifts: clairvoyance, clairaudience, claircognizance, clairsniffing, clairspeak and clairtaste. A gift is nothing but having an enhancement on your senses, positive or negative. Being able to clearly hear which instruments are in a song and tinnitus therefore often have the same source: clairaudience. Seeing ghosts and having a headache are also both clairvoyance.
Everyone has a gift in my opinion. You discover them by examining your senses: which ones are the nicest or which are the most troublesome? That's it then. With me personally it was always a lot of crying, so being clairsentient. In addition, many dreams, which means clairvoyance. The energy of this moon will also hit your main gift(s) a bit more! That energy is there because we think a little more about everything and us during this period soul path. When you think, you create space for your gifts, but you also need them to be able to think. So a real exchange.
Although the main focus is mainly on your main gift, 1 gift is also extra active: clairvoyance. That means we can see a lot of shadows to be exact!
Clairvoyance is really very broad. In the way we know him, the gift, he is especially so rightly known: seeing shadows, seeing ghosts, seeing images, seeing dreams and auras. That's right, these are all branches of it. There are just so many more branches of clairvoyance! You are already clairvoyant if you:
– know when someone has the truth speaks;
- suffer quickly blurry sight;
– feels tickling on your forehead (third eye);
- have a quick headache.
Why are many of these points quite negative? I can explain that too. You have a gift to help yourself and others with it. By understanding someone well or believing someone when no one else does. Or by getting a signal in a dream that you have to do something with. Why then are some points of vision more negative? So that you become alert to it, so that it bothers you and you want to solve it and so that it stands out. That's all. It's not bullying, nothing. The complaint will of course also go away when you have become aware of what it wanted to tell you!
This period focuses on seeing shadows. That simply means that we see deceased people that we normally do not see. By the way, these images and shadows look like seeing something in the corner of your eye, dreaming about it or being a blurry spot. It also means that we guides and angels can see! A good time to make contact.
To block
These are good days to take a closer look at your closing, too shield named. Seeing too many shadows at once and that will strengthen that branch of clairvoyance means that too many other sides of clairvoyance come to the fore, thus headache as an example. It is good to be aware of what is going on and to find a way to balance clairvoyance for yourself. You can balance a gift as follows: you can first ask your guide for help. Be clear, asking for help doesn't have to be a certain way. As a 1nd you can understand clairvoyance. The gift means that you can see through situations. Headaches or other eye complaints often occur when you see a situation, but do nothing with it. If you do that, you'll go a long way.
If you prefer to go a step deeper, you can consider self-hypnosis, for example. That is for physical and emotional complaints, but also for balancing gifts.
What did you recognize from energies of the full moon of July 3?