The Full Moon of April 6, 2023 in Aries!
While the full moon of last March we experienced problems with the belly chakra, finishing heavy periods and finishing work. It meant that a lot of energy was hitting our stomachs and allergies or things we couldn't stand being magnified. Furthermore, we had to deal with one and all completion in life. This sometimes took its toll on our body. We were glad that the full moon was waning again. During the full moon of April 6 in the zodiac sign ram we still experience a lot in the belly. But this time it's just nerves. Furthermore, our throat chakra this moon more active. That means we can expect a lot of sensations in the throat! You can think of pain, but also tickling or slipping. Let's read more soon!
The full moon of April 6, 2023
The abdomen and throat. In short, a moon that entails a lot of physicality. Let's start with the abdomen. We already had that problem the previous full moon. But then it was really meant to teach us business. About how the belly is the core and this 2nd chakra always wants to tell us how we are doing and what our body needs. This moon focuses on other signals. This mainly allows the abdomen to receive nerves. It indicates that it is one nervous moon is becoming. Stimuli are always around us and this time they mainly hit the stomach. That has a trade-off. On the one hand, those stimuli give nerves to our stomach. On the other hand, exciting events make stimuli store in the abdomen.
In terms of exciting experiences, I'm just talking about a period of trying new things, having new experiences. You can think of a new hobby or maybe a trip. So they are all no negative nerves. Furthermore, we notice that we quickly fidget with our hands when it comes to expressing the nerves further. Because you've been working on finishing and finishing lately, you finally have room for something new! It would be absolutely wonderful if these new things really enrich your soul. People often talk about traveling, learning a language or something they've always wanted but never got around to, such as martial arts, crochet or learning Braille.
The throat
But the throat is something new this period. This 5th chakra is also busy! It means different things. Mainly it is about expressing yourself and that is in line with trying new things. Those are also forms of expressions. Occasionally you also notice that situations do a lot to your throat. For example that he skimpy becomes when someone says something annoying or that he squints when you see a sad movie. But actually he only squeezes shut if you don't just experience the emotions afterwards and that doesn't necessarily have to be with crying.
The throat is a powerful thing anyway. Why do you think you have to swallow a lot when someone says something nasty? Because emotions literally come and go down one's throat. And if someone says something annoying, it will become a heavy energy. It actually tries to get into your throat and therefore swallows. Some people can even do that to gain weight.
During these days you will also experience other people's throat problems faster through energy cords! You don't have to do anything with that, but that means that you will also notice that you have a lot more problems with your throat in certain people. And when you go home, the sore throat goes away. Energy cords mean nothing more than an energetic connection you have with your loved ones. Information travels over it and sometimes that information literally hurts.
Love to yourself
Very much this period actually comes down to love to yourself. Do you listen to your intuition enough? Do you trust it enough? But more importantly: do you also act on it? Look, see it this way. If you get a stomach ache or sore throat from situations, you don't get it for nothing. Then it means something. For example, having to leave somewhere. Nothing, neither learn to remove energy cords, will help for pain if you don't consciously act on those semi-unconscious feelings.
Furthermore, it is always nice to keep track of which people often give you complaints. Do you see patterns? Do you always have a headache when you get away from someone? Check out what it means!
Although we can't really do anything about the pain, it is also good to be kind to your stomach and throat. Eat the right things and take honey for example. Unprocessed food will also do well these days.
What do you already experience from the points during this full moon of April 6? Also check out how the previous and next moons are in the Calendar!