Dreaming that you are being murdered in your sleep

dreams murdered in sleep

Have you ever been murdered in your sleep? Dreaming that you are murdered in your sleep is very boundary-crossing and something you should not ignore. Often there is a message behind it, namely an energy that is bothering you. Sometimes this is unconscious, such as a soul that has died through miscarriage and sometimes consciously: because someone is doing this to you with black magic. So ignoring it is not a good idea. That is why I will tell you in detail what it can all mean!

Symbolism of being killed

Many dreams have symbolism. Dreaming about a snake stands for warning or healing, water stands for unconscious feelings, etc.. Dreaming that you are murdered in your sleep often has more meaning and contains greater symbolism. Namely, it tends towards a piece of lucid. That means it feels very real. Often it wakes you up, because you can't die from being murdered in your sleep. The symbolism behind being murdered is feeling trapped, that you need to know that someone has bad intentions for you, etc. But the lucid part tells you that there is an energy with you that is really there, even if you can't see it when you're awake.

Being murdered in your sleep by an entity

The most striking and scary dreams are probably that you are killed by an entity in your sleep. You can recognize this by the fact that you see a figure or are being chased. In any case, it is clear that someone else is doing this to you. If this entity is really an entity and not a warning for a person you know, you can recognize it by its appearance. Whatever it looks like, you will see that something is wrong. For example, his head may be too thin or narrow or he may be very small, deformed or invisible.

Chances are you have picked up this entity during your life. It could be because someone sent it to you or you passed by a cemetery and a spirit hitched a ride.

Sometimes it is very difficult to find out how you've gotten such an entity with you. Usually you can eventually link it to a person you have seen or heard something about. If someone chooses to send a spirit to you, they do not do it from one day to the next. No, they do it right after they have seen you or heard something about you. That is more logical. And logic is necessary, otherwise you will not find out what is going on with you. Some people also want a dream to give a hint about the origin of the entity, but unfortunately this does not happen often.

Did you know that you can also have a spirit like this with you because someone else had it with them first? Sometimes demons jump over after the 'job is done'. By that I mean: sometimes demons want to kill. They hop over. Usually you get that from your parents or brother or sister. That's because some demons that are really sent to take your happiness and cause bad luck, are ordered to jump over to the next person after someone dies.

Nightmares and your soul mission

Did you know that there is often something else going on besides being bothered by ghosts? All the reasons I am about to list can also cause you to have dreams that you are being murdered in your sleep.

-Speaking of ghosts, don't you have someone around you who has died? Someone who happened to be murdered? That is often what the deceased can leave behind as a trace on their loved ones, unintentionally of course. Other symptoms are having pain in your body at the place where he died and only having the complaints since his death;

-Of course you can also dream about your own fears. Sometimes you have that from past lives or you have it from your youth this life. Sometimes such an energy is so dominant and strong that it has to come out. That is why dreams about dying can be caused by this. You often recognize this by the fact that it is a repetitive dream also;

-You can simply get warnings from your guides because you are in danger of going down a path that does not suit you and is not good for you. You can also call this that you are in danger of going down a path that does not suit you and is not good for you. soul path to go off. You often dream that you dream in periods that you are being murdered or that there is an extra hint, such as seeing your new job and then being murdered next to it;

-You can also experience all of the above because you have a strong to break energy have with someone who is going through these processes. You can recognize this mainly by dreams about being murdered when you have seen this person. It could also be that this person personally murdered you in your past life. Depending on how your dream feels, you will know the answer.

Do you need help? Of course, leave a comment. I'll be happy to think along with you or I'll remove the entity for you.

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It is my passion to make the invisible visible.
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