How do you prevent sleep paralysis?
Today we discuss the phenomenon of sleep paralysis. A paralysis like this means that you cannot move before, during or after your sleep. As if you are trapped in your own body. Actually, that happens because your brain wakes up before your body. Yet it is something you can do something about. There are spiritual reasons behind sleep paralysis! Sometimes you simply experience paralysis so that you come into contact with spirituality. Another giveaway is that some people feel paralyzed while being attacked in their dream or in real life. As if a ghost is lying on them. You can imagine that this is rather paranormal in nature. Your body is then frozen for a few seconds before waking up. That's very bad. How do you prevent sleep paralysis?
Sleep paralysis is actually nothing more than... a paranormal gift: clairvoyance or clairsentience. Gifts always have positive and negative sides. When a gift is out of balance, you experience unpleasant sensations. It's like tinnitus. Clairaudient people with this gift out of balance often get tinnitus.
How does sleep paralysis occur?
You can prevent sleep paralysis by first understanding the causes. I would be happy to go through it with you. Most people become paralyzed by energies. These consist of spirits or negative energy. It is often not positive energy, because you become paralyzed and scary things are not positive.
Negative energy can come from anywhere. Think of jealous people or people who have evil plans for you. If you are sensitive, you can feel this energy. If you are sensitive to your night's sleep and dreams, you can suffer from paralysis. So it is important to always find out the who or what when dealing with this phenomenon.
Ghosts can also have different sources. The best known sources are sent scary ones spirits to hurt someone to do. Other origins of ghosts are deceased previous residents or your own deceased loved ones. Although deceased loved ones are kind, they can paralyze you with their presence. For example, if they died painfully.
You can also get paralysis because you... to open looking through your third eye ! So you see images 'through your forehead'. Fortunately, this is positive, unless the images are scary.
How do you prevent sleep paralysis?
Fortunately, you can also solve sleep paralysis! First, it is important to determine which of the 3 points above apply to you. You can have this checked in a reading, for example. You can also practically retracing your steps. When did the paralysis start? Did you just do something new, like start a new job? Then you may be deliberately or accidentally bothered by a colleague or your old job. Or have you just moved? Then perhaps there is history behind the previous residents.
Other great tips are hypnosis or ask dreams. This will explain to you what the first step is to tackle your problem! Do not forget to do this hypnosis or dream necessarily with your guide, ask him. This way you get a clear answer and no noise from any ghosts.
You can also think about Feng Shui and second-hand items. Are you by any chance sensitive to the position of your bed? For example, is your headboard too close to your neighbors? It could be that you catch their sleep through your sensitivity. The same goes for second-hand items. If you have just laid down in a mattress on which the previous owner had sleeping problems or perhaps even died on it, you can imagine how that feels for you. You can test this out by sleeping on a different surface for a few nights.
Benefits of Sleep Paralysis
There are some benefits to paralysis, as scary as it can be. Your guide may want to tell you something about a specific person in your life. Because you missed these signals, your guide then started giving you harsher symptoms, or signs. In addition, sleep paralysis is also a wonderful time to open your third eye and receive images. Because your body is asleep, but your mind is awake, this happens. This is also called WILD.
During paralysis you can also make contact with your past lives. That's beautiful. You can then see or feel how you lived a previous life.
Some paralysis always takes place on a specific occasion specific time of day. Often that time means something. Consider the time of death of someone, for example the previous occupant of the house. Or think of a message and point of recognition. If you always wake up at 3:33 in the morning and then encounter the 333 in your daily life, you know you have to pay attention!
What does your sleep paralysis look like?