Read object or object

read object

Object reading or object reading is a form of clairsentience. Reading objects therefore occurs frequently (unconsciously) in sensitive or even clairsentient people.


How do you know if your object can read?

Some typical characteristics of people who can read object are:
– You feeling uncomfortable with certain objects or feel your emotion change in one fell swoop;
– Feeling inexplicably uncomfortable in a thrift store;
– Reluctance to 'have to' touch someone else's jewelry;
– Difficulty finding gifts because of the energy of the person who bought it;
– You don't like to buy something new. After all, you have to get used to that again in terms of energy;
– You do like to wear clothes from people you like;
– Being reluctant when someone says to a certain object: here, hold a moment. Nobody understands that you don't want that. Explaining makes no sense.


What do you feel or notice when reading objects?

With an object you feel the energy of the owner of the object. Don't forget that objects can have had multiple owners in their 'life', so you feel the energy of both. Perhaps one energy feels stronger. This can represent the most recent owner, but also the strongest energy of both owners. Or even the strongest energy may represent the owner who placed the most value on the object.

You can read all kinds of things: if you are mainly clairsentient, then you read the emotion of that person. This too can be subdivided into the general emotion of the person or the emotion that the person concerned had with the object. Are you also clairvoyant If you are clairaudient, you can hear things, and so on.

Just as in real life you often let the negative things take over more quickly than the positive things, this also applies to object reading. You feel the negativity faster. Negativity is something you want to solve, positivity is something you just want to keep and is seen as easier. This is why negativity is the fastest to bounce off an object. And this can range from childhood to most recent times.


Which objects are best read?

The more sensitive you are, the easier you read objects, but the more value a person has attached to the object, the easier it is. Think of cuddly toys, jewelery or a (diary) book. But a certain kind of decoration or something that has always been in that person's house can also be a lot of energy. It is strongly believed that especially jewelry retains a lot of energy, because it is close to the skin. I believe in this myself. So if you have trouble wearing someone else's jewelry, this could well be the explanation. People even stop on purpose magic in an object.

Many people think that you can only have an object read from a deceased person, but people choose this because it is one of the few things they still have from the deceased. In essence, there is no difference in the difficulty of reading an object from a deceased or living person.


What else can you do with it?

If your item can read and is bothered by this, make sure you don't buy used things. Or only buy 'energy-less' items, such as a cupboard that has been used very little. In general, the less the thing has been touched by someone else, the better. Try to explain to others that you don't like to touch something of theirs, for example. Try to find a way so that not everyone thinks that you have spontaneously developed a fear of contamination. And go to a second-hand store to see what happens to you with certain items.

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It is my passion to make the invisible visible.
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