Dealing with hsp and energy cords in a nutshell

deal with hsp

How can you deal with hsp and energy cords on a daily basis?

An HSP, a highly sensitive person, can suffer a lot from energy cords around him during the day. What are energy cords? These are cords that an HSP has with his environment. Those cords want to tell something about the person with whom he has a cord. Such an energy cord is often annoying and unclear. It often hurts because pain is something that people want to get rid of. So the cord simply just wants to say something. In this blog I explain how you can make dealing with hsp more pleasant.

Dealing with hsp in the morning

It's best to start the day right. Shield yourself in the morning through visualization or meditation to to break energy cords and slow down their influences. Don't brake all cords, only the annoying ones. Visualize put yourself firmly in your shoes with a functional protective layer. Make sure you don't make the layer too thick, because then your intuition won't work as strongly. And above all: believe in what you visualize. Visualizing works best if you know which cords you have with whom.

And a pro tip: use power! You really suffer from atmospheres and some people don't? Entirely energetic? Visualizing in your head that it is less is therefore not sufficient. That is not logical.

Hsp in the afternoon

In the afternoon it is important to check whether your visualization is still correct and whether something has slipped through† You will notice this immediately in an afternoon dip or sudden aches and pains. Spending a little time on it in the afternoon will make the rest of your day more pain-free. You can simply listen to your body in the afternoon. Is there a pain that makes no sense or a heavy feeling that you didn't have in the morning? Those are your indicators. It also helps enormously to withdraw into a small space or to move from place to place. This way you shake off excess stimuli.

High sensitivity in the evening

In the evening it is time to to discharge† A visualization that is very helpful is to throw the door behind you more consciously or to shower off the excess cords more consciously. This promotes your sleep.

If you follow these steps and make them your own, I am sure that you too will be able to relax more with your HSP! Also learn about why a hsp'er sees more ghosts at night!

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It is my passion to make the invisible visible.
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