Spiritual reason behind the disappearance of things/objects
In this article we discuss why we lose our things regularly. Of course, our belongings can move by simply being forgetful or because someone else moves or perhaps even steals them. In addition, many people sometimes have to deal with the 'I walk through the door and forget what I came for' effect. But in addition to regularly losing things, there are two more interesting things that can occur. Sometimes things move by itself very strangely or even before your eyes. The other happening is that only things that are important disappear. Then there is often an extra message behind it. Learn more about the big explanation of things disappearing today!
How can your belongings move through your own energy?
Let's start with the phenomenon 'walking through doors and forgetting things'. This has almost everything to do with energies. Every room has a different energy, that is normal. In the kitchen, for example, there is energy from hunger. There is energy in the bedroom that makes you sleepy. That's why they say you shouldn't work in your bedroom, for example. But this make it that in a space you suddenly feel a lot. What happens then is that if you have recently remembered something in one space, in the other space it is sometimes pushed out by that energy. We call that forgetting. Why do we often only forget the things we just thought of in place XNUMX? Because they are the most vulnerable and new due to the short-term memory. Stimuli from other rooms have an easier influence on this, otherwise everyone would always forget everything.
Another reason for losing things is if you are yourself restless . Your own busy stimuli then fly out of your system and can genuinely move objects. Or else ywithout realizing it, the restlessness incentives can prevent you from noticing where you stored your keys.
How can things disappear due to the energy of others?
Items can also disappear or be lost by others. This can be done in roughly 3 ways:
-Someone else is restless and because you are energetically connected to this person, you copy that behavior and those stimuli as if it is your own behavior;
-Someone else is very busy in their daily life and you need to know that. Why do you need to know that? For example, to learn from your gift or because the person needs help. The only way for guides to make this clear to you is when you lose things. Your subconscious hopes that you will understand this. After all, you receive these stimuli from others because you can learn something from them for yourself (protecting yourself or discovering truths) or because you can help someone else. That doesn't always make sense. And is not always fun either. Often keys are being used;
-The other is: someone is jealous of your successes and sends stimuli to you with envyness. These stimuli can attach themselves to anything; it just depends on what you are sensitive to. If you are prone to confusion, the stimuli can result in losing things. You usually lose valuable items in this case. Or you can even break them drop your stuff.
Are you tired of being plagued by energies, spirits or magic? Let me take a look!
Ghosts and guides that make things disappear
There can also be a lot going on with broken or disappearing items by ghosts and guides.
-You can suffer fromnegative energy and also of mean ghosts. Then you can lose or destroy things because of this energy. Or they break spontaneously;
-This energy can also be in your stuff. Then these are cursed objects;
-It is also possible that a innocent deceased is not aware of what he is doing with his confused or busy energy and that causes things to break;
-Or the negative energy causes so much misery in other areas of your life that your guides deliberately break things now and then in the hope that you understand that you can do something about this. To make aware;
-After all, it may be the case that your guides break something or let you break something because it is no longer good for you. Just think of your favorite vase that simply has a lot of negative energy attached to it from the previous owner.
Do you need help finding out about your breakdown? Take this photo reading! You can clean cursed objects.
Finding the cause of your lost items
Actually, the disappearance of items is just like a complaint such as a sore throat: it can have numerous causes, just as listed in this article: yourself (sober reasons or own incentives), by others, by spirits and guides. Treat it as a complaint that you need help and not as a complaint that you want to get rid of, even though that is sometimes very difficult.
Ask yourself these questions to determine the cause of weird activity with your gear:
Question 1: For example, you can keep track of whether you often forget something when you walk to another room. Being aware of that makes you a lot less forgetful.
Question 2: Regarding your own unrest, think calmly: do you lose more things than usual when you are very busy at work? Let that be an answer.
Question 3: Concerning the by others: do you often lose things after seeing a specific person? For example, every Thursday after exercising? Let that be a sign! Do you have any doubts about this? Then keep track of it for a while.
Question 4: Do only important items disappear? Then think more about negative energy and explore it with someone.
Question 5: Every time you are in a period of disappearing things, ask yourself if you are in a turbulent period of your life. A change. Then you know that the energies are clearing, this is often through your guides.
Because there are often earthly factors at play, such as the fact that a vase was already fragile, because you always put your keys in a different place or because you have ADHD, it is sometimes difficult to say whether you will find your disappearing objects, but I think that The above questions can certainly help you on your way. What belongings of yours sometimes disappear?
Actualmente tengo 38 años y desde que tengo 24 años he perdido 1 casa que me invadieron, 1 vehículo que compré al casarme y el hombre del que me divorcié se quedó con él y era de los dos, una laptop, un router, otro vehículo de agencia poco uso mi hermano me love vendi ó sin mi autorización (después me dijo que él creía que yo lo tenía en venta), celulares, otra laptop, dinero, 2 monederos con todos mis papeles, he perdido no menos de 6 cédulas desde que tengo cédula… Y así… Por favor usted me puede orientar a qué se debe todo esto?
¡Buen dia Adriana! Qué situación tan increiblemente frustrante. Por supuesto, siempre quiero ayudar a pensar a lo largo. Pero me parece que el paso 1es rodearte de las personas adecuadas. Nada de lo que puedo hacer energéticamente es más fuerte que eso. Si quieres entrenar más, ¡deja tus preguntas de nuevo! Kind regards, Desiree
Last year 20 years ago, I was very happy with my time and since my motivation has been long since I was able to keep up with the current situation during my fall and last year's busiest time.
¡Qué diffícil! ¿Alguna vez has pedido una explicación en sueño?
En mi casa se ha ha 2 teléfonos celulares, el primero se perdió el 31 de Octubre del año 2020 a las 3:33 de la mañana y hasta el día de hoy jamás supimos qué pasó, porque no hay manera de que se metan a la casa y se lo roben separate de que tengo 5 perros muy bravos. Your cell phone is open until the end of the 15th of September at the end of 3:03 after 3:XNUMX of the week and you are XNUMX minutes away, without any encontramos during the month of the cellar or at least without any questions. If you ask me for advice, you can ask for advice on how to paranormal, but you can also suggest it.
¡Buen dia! Seguro que suenan como muchos mensajes. Numeros de ángeles y entidades perdiendo cosas. ¿Alguna vez has buscado el significado de los numbers de los ángeles?
I have a question with me, it has already happened three times in two years that the front door downstairs is open when I wake up and it is always locked from the inside with hooks and clamps! I'm sure I'm not doing this myself! Do you have an explanation for this?
Good afternoon! There may indeed be paranormal activity there. A spirit that enters. You recognize that when you really feel watched.
Sometimes they are guides or angels who want to show you that they are there. They only do harmless things, so they usually don't make you susceptible to burglary.
Buenas tardes. Tengo más de 60 años y la cantidad de cosas que se me han desaparecido de mi casa mistriosamente es increible!!…A veces me desvelo por las noches pensando en esas cosas, porque de golpe me acuerdo de alguna por algun motivo, e inmediatamente vienen In my opinion the rest of the ellas and I quit my search for a clear understanding of the logic! reloj que me habita regalado mi padre a mis 15 años y que no usaba hace muchísimo tiémpo pero siémpre estaba ahí, en unmismo lugar, y ya no está más!!…revolví todos los lugares possibles en los que podria haber pensado si se me hubiera ocurrido cambiarlo de lugar, aunque estaba segura de que no lo había hecho, y nada…no hay forma de enccontrarlo!!…Hace poco también se me desapareció una tijera, lo más loco es que noté su ausencia al día siguiente de haberla usado , fully direct a buscarla donde la guardaba siempre y no estaba….como hice con el reloj, revolví toda mi casa y nunca apareció!!…También tenía una bolsa llena de cinturones de los que solía usar en la década del 70 y 80 a You will have a great time with your special needs and colors, but you will still have a great time!! Desde que noté su ausencia no me he mudado de casa, lo aclaro porque a veces he perdido cosas que pueden haber sido en alguna mudanza (jamás sabré si fue por eso o solo desaparecieron como los cinturones)…Aclaro que vivo sola, nadie tene llaves de mi casa, nadie puede estar en ella en mi ausencia, cuando viene gente a mi casa no Tiene acceso a mis cosas queridas, sin embargo, como dije al comienzo, la lista de cosas que se me han desaparecido a lo largo de mi vida it's very big!!…Mencioné solo algunas para no aburrir con mi relato, pero realmente es algo muy misterioso que me produce mucha tristeza e impotencia.
Thank you for your history details. ¿Qué estás experimentando? Por ahora, parece como si tuvieras la presencia en tu casa de personas fallecidas que no conoces. Y resulta que les gustan las cosas caras. Creen que están vivos y quieren esas cosas. Si puedo ayudarte en algo, me encantaría escucharlo.
Hola sabe se pierden Joyas dinero y también Se me perdió sin ninguna explicación mi Identificación.vivo solo with my Niño de 8 años y por supuesto que él no es yo tengo camaras Tanto adentro como afuera y nadie más Ha entrado de Hecho una vez se I am very grateful to you for your help.
How difficult is it to do this. Seguro que suena a paranormal activity. If you come and live in your home, you will come and stay in your home. Por lo general, eso no da miedo. Si necesita ayuda o tene preguntas, me encantaría saber de usted.
Hello, you are welcome to visit us and you will be able to enjoy your stay with us as soon as possible, and you will be able to enjoy your stay at the hotel until you arrive at the hotel. la habitación al llegar a casa me di cuente mi cargador original no estaba me he cansado de buscarle pero ha sido un misterio, tengo claro lo tenia guardado en mi maleta , pero gran misterio
¡Eso es muy especial! ¡Casi suena como si un fantasma todavía pensara que estaba vivo y solo quisiera tu cargador para él!
Pues desde el 2015 me desaparece ropa, calzado, dinero, agendas, llaves, el20%me aparece el resto no y puede ser en la ciudad, en el pueblo en otro país y lo curioso es que me aparecen en casa cosas que no son nuestras , bueno me cambia el sabor de la comida y muchas veces me aparece un danacol
What is special, what is the best way to eat? 🙂
Faz uma semana que começaram a sumir coisas mistriosamente da minha casa … comecei sentindo falta de um boné… não dei muita importância pensei logo vai aparecer … depois sumiu meu fone de ouvido … e procurei cada canto , fiz uma faxina …. After… deposit the alguns dias , a pá que recolho as fezes da minha gatinha desapareceu… procurei por todos os lugares…
Eu estou começando a ficar com medo de que alguém esteja entrando na minha casa quando eu saio … e pegando minhas coisas … ou que estou jogando fora de forma inconsciente porque não consigo pensar em outra explicação 😔
I'm glad you passed away! O que mudou em sua vida diária desde há uma semana? How long do you live in então? O que você pode vincular ao que aconteceu pouco antes desses eventos?
If you are happy with it, you can enjoy it even more, you can enjoy it, it will be easy for you to enjoy it (yo lo seguí con la mirada) and you will be able to enjoy it without having to worry, you will never be part of it piso. Y yo lo vi!
¡Buenas tardes! ¡Eso también me parece muy extraño! The hecho, it is possible for a fantasma lo haya sescondido. Muchas veces es inocente
El texto publicado no tene nada que ver con lo que yo escribí….
Yo solia tener 2 cutters, el primero que tenia que era de color rosa, unos dias despues desaparecio y no lo volvi a ver. Este knife volvi a comprar otro cutter. Un dia despues de haberlo utilizado tambien desaparecio y tampoco lo pude encontrar. Sabe que pudo haber sido??
¡Eso es especial! Ciertamente quiero pensar en ello. ¿Para qué usaste los cortadores?
Hello. And mi casa ya han desaparecido algunos objetos. After all, we have a chándal. You are happy with your wishes. Y sobre todo en el bombo de la ropa sucia. Y already día siguiente estaba ahí. Es lo único que ha aparecido.
And I tend to have great cojines and continue to do so with ease. A la mañana cuando bajo para ir a trabajar ya no estaban. Y así varios objetos. Me podría decir que pasa en mi casa?. Decirle que mi hijo murió hace 6 años y muchas veces siento como si estuviera aquí. Is it possible that the sea is still alive?
Buen dia. Primero que nada, qué triste leer sobre tu hijo. ¿Los artículos han estado desapareciendo durante 6 años? Entonces ahí está tu respuesta. ¡Por cierto, tu hijo se siente feliz! 🙂
Hello. He puesto un commentario arriba y no es lo que yo puse. Se ha traducido mal.