Spiritual reasons behind not being seen/being invisible

not be seen / invisible

You may know it or you recognize it in someone else: the feeling to be skipped, to be forgotten or just not to be seen and to be invisible. The three are similar, yet they are very different, and also in cause. I'll outline three different situations that seem, but also aren't:

Situation 1 is already in primary school. Often when it is reading time, it is not your turn. It's starting to stand out. Or you never get called to that computer chess game, while the teacher swears everyone has had a turn.

Or did you have that it was always your turn, even though you didn't want to? Much more than others' turn? Then we go rather to the question of 'hyperfocus or not?'

Situation 2 is about the 'or not'. You're just at work, you're cutting cheese before the store opens and everyone suddenly informs each other that the Christmas photo will be taken soon, but somehow that message has not reached you. You point it out, you are visibly bothered by it, but nobody seems to really care. It is especially that last bit that makes this a spiritual cause. If it does interest them, it's more of a mistake.

Situation 3 is when you start to notice that everyone on sport is being complimented on their judo role, except you. Or your compliment is less profound, when you really know you did it right. You wonder why it's not named, never named, when you do with others. After all, you know what it feels like when it doesn't happen sincerely.

How does not being seen and being invisible feel like?

If you don't feel seen then you just feel unappreciated, unappreciated and sometimes not even as present† That is very special, because it naturally starts to stand out at some point. You're just trying to be seen. However, it still doesn't work.

As I just mentioned, some people feel the same seen too much† As if all the attention goes to them, just when you don't want it, such as with a sample at work. Or that your audition is the most scrutinized, probably with negative results. While you were sure that yours was better than everyone else's. After all, by never really being seen you have enough time for self-reflection.

energetic course: uncertainty

Niet gezien worden in het dagelijks leven

How not to be seen turns out to be different from how it feels. That's because it's in the reaction from other people† Take the example from situation number 3: some people recognize what you see and feel, but simply choose not to do anything with it. Well, sometimes that's just bad luck, but if it happens constantly, it stands out.

People can also treat you in a weird way confirmation to give. Otherwise, let's take a look at situation 4:

Situation 4 is when you report to the doctor's assistant and he asks if you want to wait. After waiting for XNUMX minutes and having seen and experienced all the states of nerves and anger in yourself, you step with lead in your shoes to the counter. Turns out you just forgot. With all its consequences. Often it is still delivered with empathy and a 'sorry', and sometimes it is also casually communicated: 'you know that Tuesday is not a convenient day, we have forgotten it because of the crowds.' And then you have to ask for a new appointment yourself.

After all, you just notice a lot cancel your appointments† Sometimes because of course it is forgotten again. And sometimes because the other person has accidentally made a double appointment. With difficulty the choice goes to you, otherwise the next time.

Well the tone of this article and of the 4 situations is of course a frustrated tone or even a tone of a victim. But I'll leave it like this on purpose so that the 1 recognizes itself very much in this and the other can also read how another can feel if you forget him.

The Spiritual Reasons Behind Feeling Invisible and Not Being Seen

Now that that is nicely out of the system and there is recognition and acknowledgment, we can go to the 'why'. There are several reasons for not being seen and feeling invisible. I will divide them into being skipped, being forgotten and just not being seen vs. be very carefully watched.

being skipped

If you are constantly skipped or don't feel visible, this often has 2 causes. The 1st is simply that you yourself too does not want to develop or see. That sounds harsh. But, if you don't want that: why should someone else see who you are? Is that possible?

The other explanation is if you have a curse on you. A curse is 1 of the 15 kinds of magic that people can have. Each type of magic expresses itself differently. How it is caused is what complaints you get. If you ingest magic through your food, stomachaches make sense. If you get a curse on you, acting cursed makes sense.

A well-known characteristic of a (your) cursed act is your neglected act.

That can be in small things such as not clearly emailing your question so that the other person does not understand and does not bother to ask or just at closing time get an impatient employee on the phone who no longer wants to do his best. The signals (helping clues) are in your clumsiness - the effect of the curse is in the other person's reaction.

to be forgotten

We probably remember the painful example of the doctor's assistant: people just forget you're there. Schedule a duplicate appointment or don't show up. Where this often comes through is of course the piece again 'Do you consider yourself important enough?' Try testing and changing that and see if other people suddenly forget you less.

Another reason is of course also the curse. You can literally make it more invisible with energy for other people. But these people will often give an excuse. They forgot and they didn't skip you. There is a difference there.

It may also be that because of your high sensitivity too many stimuli on you. That manifests itself differently for everyone. The 1 gets ringing in the ears, the other fatigue, but you can also be shrouded in stimuli from others, which makes others can't see who you are -you know it, the idea of ​​being misjudged- and therefore not easy to remember.

Not being seen (invisible) or too much

We arrive at the last point: not being seen or being seen too much. Let's start with not being seen. You can notice this again in the feedback from others: 'when I first saw you, I thought you were very different', usually more negative. This is often again due to high sensitivity what I have already gone through with you: they think you are the stimuli of others.

Of course a curse nothing more than a load of dark stimuli that can cause the same thing. But it could be more than a curse. In this case, it could also be other types of magic that are hiding you. A curse is more about forgetting you. Magic is more to change you.

You can also be seen too much. Remember my sample sample at work and you get judged the hardest and most every time? Often this is also magic or a curse. Actually, if you are seen too much (not too little), it is almost never by your own doing. The magic or curse just attracts the negative attention. But that is my opinion and experience in this practice.

Uitzonderingen op de spirituele redenen

We've especially focused on not being seen through one's own hands and feeling invisible through magic and voodoo that people send to get their way, take something from you or see you suffer. Why people want to harm others, let's get to that article, but what else can make it look different?

-Of course I have already thought several times in this article about how you see yourself, the sooner someone else is invited to see you too. For example, the other person may feel that and think that he should not see you. That was hard to follow, wasn't it? That's called clairvoyance. That means that the other person hears your thought and thinks it is his own. Whether you feel invisible feeling and therefore do not see you;

-But you can too to be clairsentient† Because of that gift, things can go wrong a few times. Namely when you have a lot of people around you who feel invisible or are really ignored, and you think that's how you feel. Or when you feel that someone doesn't want to see you and you think it's your own feeling that you don't want to see yourself;

Strict exceptions

-After all, the universe can also make you feel invisible. Usually for 1 or more of the following 3 reasons. 1: to learn from it. To come out stronger and to learn something that you could not otherwise be taught. 2: if (family) karma: a kind of (inherited) punishment. 3: because you don't walk in your path and they want you to get out of a certain situation or habit. If you don't walk in your path, it can get very tough.

Not walking in your path they can make clear in 1001 ways: by dreams, accidents, tinnitus and all, but also by giving an invisible feeling. It's just how they hope something gets to you. Or what kind of help will eventually take you further. Perhaps with your tinnitus you discover acupuncture and finally realize that you want to start your own business.

Do you ever feel invisible? Which situation do you think applies to you?

English: what else does a curse feel like?

English: What does not being seen and feeling invisible by a curse feel like?

Written By
It is my passion to make the invisible visible.
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