What spiritual gift were you born with? Test it out!

spiritual gift born

Today we discuss which spiritual gift you were born with! We're going to do a nice test. I believe that literally everyone has a gift. That's not because I want to make you feel good or important, but because it is. Some people just don't notice this. This has roughly three reasons:

-People expect from the gift something completely different. And therefore do not see their own enhanced sense. They see movies and want to make their gift work in exactly the same way. They also want to predict accurately which house number someone lives on! But a gift is more than that;

-Some people want a gift, but in a very specific way. For example: seeing ghosts. But if your gift is not so much clairvoyance, it can be quite disappointing. You can certainly perceive ghosts, but it happens differently than you think. Maybe your main gift is clairvoyance and you simply think that smelling scents is nothing special;

-That brings us to point three: you're already here intertwined with your gift. To continue the previous example: you smell scents but have never thought about the fact that not everyone smells them and have never asked that in your environment. But perhaps those smells are the spirits you long to connect with! So think a little more about things that seem normal to you, but that you rarely hear about from others.

lavender resonance bracelet

We'll start right away with the psychic ability test!

How does it work? Don't count all your yeses and nos. Make sure you write down on a list for yourself which answers you have yes and no to! That is useful for the result. The test is aimed at subtle signals, complaint-oriented and special signals. Make him as honest as possible.

Do you dream a lot?
Do you suddenly feel temperature differences?
Can you distinguish between music or voices well?
Do you sometimes find yourself searching for a scent to smell?
Do you know things you can't "know"?
Stutter you sometimes?
Do you quickly taste what is missing in food (such as salt)?

Complaint-oriented questions

The following questions are about complaints. Complaints are often related to having a gift. It means that the gift is not yet working optimally, but it is there. Fill in your complaints truthfully, but do not exaggerate. Only write yes if you have indeed noticed something.

Do you get headaches easily?
Do you always have (pain) complaints elsewhere?
Do you catch a cold easily?
Do you easily smell stench?
Do you worry a lot?
Are you quick to speak or do you make spelling mistakes?
Are you sensitive to who prepares your food and how it feels?

Special questions

The following questions are a bit more special. More clearly. So what strange things do you sometimes experience?

Do you ever see something moving in the corner of your eye?
When someone else tells you what they are in pain or sad about, do you feel that too?
Do you accidentally say something at the same time with someone?
Do you notice that you smell a standard scent on someone? And by that I actually mean: especially if that person also calls or texts?
Do you ever intuitively do something different than usual (think of taking a different route home) and then later find out why?
Do you sometimes intuitively give the right answer?
Can't handle stories while eating?

The final test questions are the following:

Have you ever seen a ghost?
Do you ever feel a touch when no one is there?
Do you ever hear voices or beeps?
Do you ever suddenly smell odors that no one else smells?
Do you ever have a sudden thought about someone that later turns out to be completely correct, such as that that person is going to resign?
Do you notice that some people kind of inhibit you when you talk to them? Or that you talk to them very easily?
Do you find certain things in your food 'sad'? Like a chicken or tomato that was almost thrown away?

The outcome! What spiritual gift were you born with?

But how does the scoring work now? This is actually not so much a test where you 'turn out to have a gift' on a number of points. I wanted to take a more luxurious approach today. That's why I'm going to explain to you how the test is done! I'm only telling you that now on purpose, otherwise you might pay too much attention to it. But, if you will, the more yeses you have, the more psychic abilities you have. Please note: some complaints are of course also partly medical and earthly, so do not forget to treat them.

Rash! You were born with the gift:

How does the result work? Like this: the questions are sorted by cool! As follows:

Every first question, in this example: dreams, headaches, corners of the eyes and mind seen, falls under clairvoyance. If you have the most points on this or an equal number with one or more other questions, then this is your greatest gift!

Every second question is clairsentience. This is followed by clairaudience, clairaudience, clairaudience, clear speaking en clear tests in that order.

Where did you score the most points and what spiritual gift were you born with? Did you like the test? Take the extended course on gifts too!

Online Course: Discover and Develop Spiritual and Psychic Abilities

Written By
It is my passion to make the invisible visible.
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