Spiritual causes of sleeping problems in children
The fragility of sleep
Today we will discuss energetic and spiritual causes of sleeping problems in children. Does your child sleep badly or did you not sleep well yourself in the past? And maybe still not? Read through the article, it might help your family!
Before I barge in for all sorts of incoherent reasons, I'll get the basics down here. Because sleep is a separate thing. In addition to energetic reasons, there can also be a wide range of psychological or physical factors that can influence poor sleep. Don't forget to exclude these too!
To the spiritual: why, if something is wrong energetically, as with the full moon, is sleep so often looked back on? Precisely because so many other factors can play a role in someone that makes them sleep badly. An energy can never just make your teeth fall out, that is so strongly put together physically. But sleep is actually very vulnerable† A worry, a conflict, having slept in too long, ADHD and your sleep is soon disrupted. In this way an energy can easily hook up to this and also disrupt it.
Let's get to children's spiritual sleep problems and what all of that can affect.
Home-Related Spiritual Causes of Sleep Problems in Children
First, a child is often at home, so we're going to take a closer look at that first. Of course a child is often at school, but home is where you as a parent can also see what I will type.
First of all, can at home there is simply a paranormal energy of a ghost. This one doesn't have to be bad, but can also just be an old resident of the house. You will be able to see from your child's reaction whether it is fear that he has for the unknown or rather fear of something that is bothering him. Then your role also comes into play: are you also afraid of what your child is pointing at? If you don't feel any fear at all, even if you don't consider yourself a spiritual person at all, it's often not scary.
What can you do if a child names a spirit or energy? In that case it is best to be the first to be honest to the child and say that you don't see it yourself, but that it can happen. Then follow the child's story and estimate what he needs: a nice visualization or action? Or send away together? Read on for more tips on sleep problems due to ghosts in children.
In addition, a child may suffer from the land on which the house stands or the energy of a previous occupant. This is often something that needs to be removed. You can recognize this best if your child also indicates that he cannot name what it is in the house and also not where it is. In fact, he already calls it perfect: it is simply the house.
You can do well in both situations measure whether your child also has it in other homes. That gives you additional information.
A nice addition that is sometimes forgotten is that a child can also see the quarreling of parents and then the stimuli that are released as ghost. (Or sleeps badly because of it.) Even if a divorce has already taken place and one of the parents no longer lives there. That is because that is clairvoyance, only he has not understood that it is not a real spirit (unless one of the parents has a spirit with him has for reasons).
Finally, the child can suffer from the energy around second hand stufflike the bed.
High sensitivity and high sensitivity as spiritual causes of sleeping problems in children
As I mentioned earlier, sleep is something that can be easily influenced. A bed in which the child sleeps is therefore very important. Why? Because a child is often extremely sensitive. This means that he absorbs a lot of stimuli around him. You receive that with your subconscious. If you work more with your consciousness, senses and reason, etc., you are less highly sensitive. Therefore Highly sensitive children often avoid eye contact. But children have not yet developed that ratio as far as adults and have fewer responsibilities that appeal to the ratio. And then it becomes simple:
A child sleeps a lot in a bed so everything he thinks about at night is always hanging around that bed. So if he used to be anxious and you have successfully expelled a ghost, it may just be that he is still anxious because of his old fear stimuli. The same applies to having had a long illness, of course.
In addition, a child can sleep in a second-hand bed or with second-hand items. Of course they also choke on the strange stimuli, depending on the previous owner. In any case, a second-hand cot is probably often used and therefore retains a lot of incentives. The child is then literally in a bed full of strange stimuli.
Fortunately, cleansing with sage and having the child participate in it is enough. Or experiment with sleeping on a mattress for a while.
In any case, you can do many rituals and manners together with your child so that he also believes that he will sleep better. Check out what nice sprays, oils and ways.
Loving signs to child or parent
Whenever there is something about your child, it is always being tried to make it clear to you by the universe. They do that first with loving signssuch as a dream, a repetitive commercial on TV, or another mother who suddenly brings up a problem with her child. When loving signs go undetected, and no one can blame you, they become more annoying signs. For example, sleeping problems. And it may just be in your quest to solve these sleep problems that you come across what really is the source, such as being bullied in class (and that you weren't told or noticed). It may then be that a medium sees that, for example. Whether a physiotherapist recognizes the symptoms.
What do you recognize in your child or in yourself as a child? Do you suspect that your child has sleeping problems due to spiritual causes? Feel free to let me know if you have any questions or if you want me to help you watch.