5 Spiritual Reasons Behind Being Late!

to be late

Today we discuss 5 spiritual reasons behind being late. Do you recognize that? That you still try so hard to be on time? Sets alarm clocks and tries to take everything into account? And yet it doesn't work? Or are all bridges on your route suddenly open? Or do you hear that little voice inside that says 'you can make it in fifteen minutes instead of 20 minutes', even though that is not possible? There are more reasons behind this than you think! It then seems as if your intuition is giving you incorrect information. That causes doubt within yourself. Yet it is you intuition which works fantastic. His bigger goal is to ultimately get you where you need to be.

Of course, there are also issues such as ADHD that can play a role that have less to do with the spiritual. For example, there it is often the case that you become paralyzed because you have too much to do or because something has interrupted you. You can also think of great reluctance or the bad luck of not being able to find your keys that day. But today we focus on the less known causes of not being on time.

Energies that influence us

Perhaps the first question is not how or what, but why spirituality can take care of these things. It's all about energy and we normally can't see energy unless you clairvoyant are. Everyone perceives energy in some way. That depends on your gift. A gift involves an enhancement of one or more of your senses. If you are clairaudient, you may hear a ringing in your ears or you can hear pleasant spirits. A gift always has a beautiful and an unpleasant side. That's the way it is. But actually, spiritual causes of tardiness, interestingly enough, don't have much to do with your gifts.

For one person an energy causes a pain complaint, for another it causes an accident. And for others it ultimately causes them to be late. Why do energies do that? How can they influence us like this? What if we can't see it? Then my easiest and most down-to-earth answer is: there are always energies around us that we cannot see, but do have an influence. Think of heat from the stove, the operation of Wi-Fi and even music and tones. But guides, angels, spirits and intuition are also energies. Some also call this your intuition. That's why the music sometimes just comes on. Or we'll see double numbers. Those are messages. They can cause that. So is being late.

5 spiritual reasons for being late

Our invisible helpers and supervisors can therefore regularly make us late somewhere. Let's go through the 5 reasons!

First of all you have the universe or your supervisors who simply want you not to do something. That could be your job, it could be a friendship, a habit, etc. They want this because deep down you don't want it either. You are only convinced by others or by your own fears that it is what you want. The best example remains a job in which you feel bullied or are late all the time. Even though you need your contract so badly. But is the contract good for you? Or will a forced job change later turn out to have been a blessing?

Unfortunately, you can also suffer from black magic, a heavy energy or a curse you suffered somewhere. This person wants to make things not go well for you. The energy often grabs you in places where you are vulnerable. For example, do you have an irregular job or frequent traffic jams? Then he will try to throw a spanner in the works there. However, if you work within walking distance, for example, the black magic is more likely to affect something else, such as creating inattention or completely different issues such as poor sleep.

Third, you may also feel heavy energy from someone who wants you to be late for whatever reason.

2 reasons from yourself

You can do fourth too suffer from clairvoyance in combination with dealing with people who are late themselves for whatever reason. As a clairsentient you can adopt emotions, thoughts, pain, but also behavior from others and it feels as if it is your own. Fortunately, you can quickly recognize this by the fact that you also copy a lot from others.

Finally, you can simply don't want to go somewhere. Then this is holding you back. As if your body doesn't want to move, doesn't want to get up from the couch. It is then your own energy that leaves your system and then presses on you. Some people indicate that this can also feel very much like black magic. This is partly true. If you don't want something yourself, you are contradicting your own intuition. If you then have to deal with heavy energy from someone else or even black magic, it will hit you much harder than if you had followed your intuition.

What spiritual reasons for being late have you experienced?


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It is my passion to make the invisible tangible.

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