The November 15 Full Moon in Scorpio
The full moon of November 15 is approaching again! This time in the sign of Sagittarius. Here you can find the current scorpio horoscope read! During the day the full moon of october we experienced freedom, just smiling and a heavy head at the same time. That held a lot of conflicting feelings. It meant that we could let go and trust our intuition, but at the same time that we should not let go too much and too fast. It was a good energy and lesson about working with yourself and not having to lean on others.
This full moon approaching we notice other things! We notice a helicopter view, a stuck back and some sleeping limbs. It will once again be a moon full of physical sensations. What is the connection between these 3 data? Why do the moon's energies affect our bodies? We will look into it in detail!
The full moon of November 15
These days the body is central. The moon mainly hits the back and therefore results in sleeping limbs. That has a spiritual and energetic background. Actually this full moon provides somewhat worse habits. Because of this we notice that we walk or sit bent over a bit more quickly or sit with our legs crossed for a long time. The result is that the pelvis reacts to this and so does the back. The reason why we have these awkward habits temporarily is because the energy of the moon simply weighs heavily. This means that we feel heavy or sometimes even drown. Our body then reflects that. It is therefore important to do fun things and to adopt comfortable but not stressful positions during the day.
A sleeping limb often has additional reasons and so does this period. It has to do with energy paths. These are a bit more in the pinch. That is because other people's energy cords come in very hard with us. Therefore, expect a period that you are constantly walking with complaints from others, such as their emotions or pain. Fortunately, that also has positive effects, for example if you hang out with people who are pleasantly enterprising or positive!
When you are easily affected by energy cords from others, you also get information about your environment that otherwise happens less quickly. This means that this is a perfect period to explore long-term issues and that you can very well discover what your environment brings you. You actually also experience a helicopter view; overview is central this moon. Your body is nothing more than a manual. Every time 1 or more limbs fall asleep for a moment, realize that that is the moment that you feel something from someone else. It is then up to you to become more adept at it and take advantage of it!
You will also experience a period of tidying up and organizing. That is actually quite nice! Then immediately feel which second-hand objects no longer suit you because of the energy of their previous owner. This way you train your clairvoyance even more! So it is better not to go to a second-hand store during this period, although on the other hand it can also be very educational.
Tips at the full moon
It is very wise to pay attention to your body during this period. Be positive, take care of yourself and treat yourself if you think it is necessary. In addition, you can use your body as a guide to better understand your feelings: what is yours and what is someone else's? At some point you will even find a common thread, like always with friend A. having a sore throat when you are near her. That means she gives it to you. Maybe because she has a sore throat herself, but maybe precisely because she does not want you to sing beautifully. Your body will tell you.