When does sage / white sage help?
Sage is used a lot to dispel negative energy. It is very popular these days. Today I would like to explain what sage is for and what it does not work for. You can use different types of sage sage buy from me.
Sage: cleansing or banishing?
I immediately hit the door. There are two problems that people face when they think of sage. 1: like the cup gives away, they want something cleaning and 2: they want something drive out† Both fall under negative energy and there is a lot to read about it on the internet. I would therefore like to explain that it is important to know the difference. And sage can really only be used to clean something.
What is energy cleansing?
You can cleanse with sage. It's best to do this if you temporary energy want to clean up. That's really the key word. So if an annoying aunt has come to visit or your ex is leaving the house after a long, tiring period, sage is great! It clears away the energy that no longer belongs there. The problem starts when people want to use sage against, for example, ghosts or... black magic† This is just another level. Sage is a sweet herb made for loving purposes: tidying up. But love doesn't help against dark, and that's where ghosts and black magic come in.
What is expel?
Expelling is a little less sweet. And doesn't happen with sage. You expel if someone has treated you negatively through ritual or without ritual. The effects of black magic on you versus the energy of the ex who is finally out of the house are therefore more intense and greater. So it's all a bit coarser and there are no standard recipes for expelling. There are many kinds of black magic and many have a own approach necessary. As I said: species must match species† So just as sweet sage matches sweet clearing energy, for example, tackling dark objects placed in your home should be tackled with another object. And if someone has put something in your food and drink to make you sick, you have to deal with it again with a ritual through food and drink. Kind always hears the same kind, again.
That's how I expel at least. If you want to see if you suffer from negative energy, request an intake or reading in the shop or leave a comment! You are never committed to an action plan that we create.
See also a video of how I expel here.