What is Healing and Magnetizing?


There is a lot of talk about healing and magnetizing, synonyms for me personally. Today I will take you to what happens during healing. Healing is also sometimes referred to as healing hands heal .

What is healing?

With healing, the healer energy borrowed from the universe† Some call it healing with the angels instead of universe and that's fine. Everyone has their own definitions. It then feels as if you literally grab energy with your own energy from above. You then give this to the person who needs the healing. How you take this energy is with the intention to heal the other together with visualize that you do. And don't forget, visualization also takes power. If the person in need has holes in his energy, I see that literally as if the hate of the person no longer fits neatly around the body but is missing on some pitches, these are filled in. Then the complaint of the person in question disappears.

Common Problems While Magnetizing

I find that you magnetizing can learn, but how you feel things is up to you main gift† If you are clairsentient you can feel faster where you can heal with someone. With clairvoyance you see the gaps, with clairaudience you get it whispered, etc.. Still, a lot can go wrong, especially in the beginning. I'll list that below:

– Some people heal with their own energy instead of the energy from 'above'. This makes them tired;
– Some, especially with the gift of clairsentience, take over the other person's complaint during healing because they do not know how to shield themselves from it;
– What you usually notice is that people sometimes forget that magnetizing is not the solution for everything. Before you start magnetizing you may have clear the goal of both yourself and the person you want to heal† Of course you are not going to heal broken bones, but try one negative mind to heal while it must be expelled makes little sense. It becomes a different story if it is not a negative spirit but a passer-by who is lost. Everything does not alter the fact that healing can always just feel good. If the goal is to make the person feel a little better, that's fine of course;
– Some people stand with their energy automatically shielded to others. It is then difficult to transfer energy to these people.


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It is my passion to make the invisible tangible.

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