An aura: how do you practice perceiving it?
What is an aura?
An aura is often described together with chakras. Having auras 7 colors. Each color tells something about someone's strengths or blockages. Each color also represents a specific chakra. So there are also 7 chakras. For example, chakra number 5 is the throat chakra.
How do you perceive an aura?
A energy field you perceive with your gift† An aura is like a layer of energy around you. For example, clairaudient people hear a buzzing and clairaudience people hear a certain smell. The most famous gift associated with perceiving an aura is clairvoyance† Of all the gifts, the colors you can see when you are clairvoyant tell you the most clearly about the aura. And so about the person
A particular colour in auras is always linked to a specific chakra† For example, blue belongs to the throat chakra. Depending on how intense or how weak an aura color is, that says something about a person's talents or blockages.
Some people only see one color in a person. Or just white, that's totally fine too. Clairvoyance works differently for everyone. In this case, the color of that aura still wants to point out someone's blockages or talents. You usually estimate this together with your other gift, such as clairsentience. Or do you see cloudy in the aura color or a clear color. Or do you only see an aura on the part of the body that hurts. This again varies per person.
How can you practice observing?
Never forget you aura first before you practice reading auras. An aura surrounds people, but also objects that belong to people. So start with different things with the position of your eyes to perceive an energy field. Use a white wall like this. And for example the painting like this.
Aura white space
Sometimes it helps to go through a small hole your fingers make to look around† In this way you stimulate your view and thus clairvoyance.
Problems in one's aura
In many alternative care services, if the care provider is clairvoyant, are the aura colors used to detect someone's complaints† Of course, this can also be done with another gift, such as hearing vibrations from a certain chakra or literally feeling someone's pain. That is all told by the energy layer.
As for seeing auras: when someone has a blockage on a certain body part or emotion, there is a different aura color than usual† For example, the aura may be less bright, partially missing or cloudy. That then tells you that there is a blockage on the corresponding chakra. Depending on the type of rescuer, he fills in the color or the gap with his assistance. Think of healing or reliving a past life in a healing way. A good counselor will at some point also know that in the absence of an aura in a manner of healing belongs to the fact that something from a past life plays a role with a cloudy color and that uncertainty plays a role in a less bright color, for example. In this way, with his clairvoyant eyes, he becomes your own manual. Of course, other gifts can only help with estimating the right kind of help.
Strengthen your gifts!