Blurred vision and its paranormal causes!

blurred vision and the paranormal

Today we discuss blurred vision and the paranormal causes! Did you know that blurred vision is often caused by clairvoyance that is just not quite in balance?

Now first: what is blurred vision. Having blurred vision means that your eyes sometimes cannot focus completely. You then see double, blurred or even see spots. This is often thought of as an eye defect and that is certainly something you should not ignore! But usually all the results are good and nothing can be done about it. Then we quickly arrive at energies on the eyes. How do energies get to the eyes? You have energy or stimuli in your eyes if you are clairvoyant. It means that you can receive more with your sense of sight. Things that cannot be seen with the naked eye. Your real gift. However, blurred vision is difficult and not fun, so how can this be a gift?

The paranormal behind blurred vision and more

The biggest summary of blurred vision is that it has a paranormal cause: clairvoyance. Actually, it secretly takes a step back: just look, just see. Everyone has senses, from touch to sight to taste. You have more with one sense than with the other. And yet another, you just don't think about it that much. If your vision is blurred, you apparently have a slight aversion to your sense of vision. Why?

Is it because you wear glasses that you don't like because you were bullied or because they don't fit? Or have you seen a lot of suffering in the world and you simply can't take it anymore? What is it that you literally saw that makes you better close your eyes?

Or is it because you dream about it or you're afraid for shadows that you wish your senses were not so oversensitive?

Is it because you don't think you're beautiful? And would you rather not watch that? Or do you see that others are looking at you a lot? And you wish you didn't?

Whatever it is that makes you wish you saw less, quickly results in blurred vision. Of course, there are more people who prefer not to see something, but do not have complaints such as blurred vision. That is because their main gift is not there either. For example, they have clairsentience at number 1.

Thereby: You can also have other complaints besides the blurred vision if you ignore your clairvoyance. These are headaches, migraine, dry eyes and squinting.

Of course, eye problems can also be medical and hereditary and therefore cause blurred vision, but they are often also accompanied by an aversion to your senses. This means that your cloudy vision can be alleviated somewhat.

Everything about clairvoyance

But how do you convert blurred vision to clairvoyance? The answer is… 3 things:

Of course, address the above patterns and problems. The more you want to face life again and especially with regard to things below eyes come, the better. You'll know you're doing it right when your blurry vision diminishes. Don't let the fact that your vision is due to medical causes stop you. There is always room for improvement.

A second answer is: the clairvoyance is simply already there. You already dream a lot or you already see colors or shadows. These can coexist. In fact. Sometimes blurred vision is necessary. The more distracted your conscious (earthly) eyes see, the more your subconscious (gift) eyes have free rein! Not everyone has it this way, but some certainly do! This is also entirely why we are faster seeing ghosts in mirrors. Mirrors are sometimes cloudy or have spots.

Finally, it may be that you... clairvoyance, but that doesn't work. Your subconscious then fights against the conscious mind. You can feel and notice this fight in your eyes. Here too, the following applies: address what you do not want to face.

Practice clairvoyance

If facing suffering or following your intuition is too difficult because of old pain, then I completely understand that, to be honest. Try to work towards the approach at your own pace, for example by tackling trauma. That is difficult and scary for a while, but not as difficult as staying stuck. But you can also tackle your eye problems in other ways. You can learn to play with your clairvoyance! I'll give you some fun exercises.

First of all, you can ask for a dream. Just everyday things. For example, do you suspect that you are allergic to certain types of food? Ask it every night for a while before you go to sleep. A dream comes to you naturally. Especially if you are clairvoyant. By being open to parts of your clairvoyance in these ways, the burden on your eyes reduces a bit!

There are other ways trying to read a photo. Sit down with someone you trust and ask if they have a photo of someone you don't know. Just try to read it. What do your eyes tell you? Pay attention to itching or other sensations in your eyes and also pay attention to the image in the photo: what is happening there that is abnormal? This is how you read the photo! Your friend can then tell you to what extent he can place your reading!

Which paranormal causes of blurred vision and the approach do you recognize?

Written By
It is my passion to make the invisible visible.
2 thoughts on "Blurred vision and its paranormal causes!"
  1. Kim says:

    Another possibility is that something or someone is literally making your vision blurry to prevent you from discovering the truth about a certain situation or problem.
    Blurred vision does not have to occur in both eyes at the same time. The left generally represents the women's side and the right the men's side
    I personally experienced a lot of blurred vision in the left eye, this disappeared after a big family secret was revealed in the women's line. The stimuli had literally been working to prevent me from seeing clearly.

    • Desiree says:

      That's completely right! That's a nice theory! Thank you for sharing! Great that you finally invented it!