High sensitivity (hsp): taking on complaints from your environment

High sensitivity (hsp)

Taking over complaints from your environment is made possible by your high sensitivity (HSP) and actually clairsentience† The difference is that with high sensitivity complaints can feelsuch as depressed atmosphere or tension. And with clairsentience neem your complaints over from the environment. You feel anger rising in yourself like it's your own anger and that is from the other. While you felt tension with high sensitivity, with clairsentence it becomes clear that there was tension due to someone's quarrel / anger.


What is high sensitivity (hsp)?

I'll describe what you can take from other people by listing:

– Emotion: you can, as previously written, other people take over emotion† Sadness and anger, but of course also joy. This really feels like your emotion! If you spend a long time with someone who is sad because, for example, this is your partner or sports buddy, it can feel like you are always sad;

– Pain: Pain is definitely one that many people are not aware of. You can recognize this by pains in yourself that you feel as chronic named and tucked away. These are often complaints from the environment. Sometimes they come and go, which means that you don't always see/talk to the person you are complaining about. Then it's a bit too much recognizing† It is more difficult if you and your partner both have neck pain when one of you is real and one of you mirrors just this (clairsentience);

– Thought: This form is much more unknown than taking over pain and emotion. So you take over thoughts from others. These may be thoughts of someone who feels ugly and you who feel ugly too. Or thoughts of want to put people in front of you† That you suddenly want to do that with others: wanting them to work for you. But this example can also be stored in you differently: that because others think this, you suddenly want to be very helpful. While you don't want to be like that at all, it seems like you have to do it this way.

– Behavior: and the latter also spills over into behaviour. When someone quickly becomes passive or lazy, it can result in you being tired or have a great need for just fun things to do. For example, if someone has ADD, you also adopt characteristics of this. And when someone often lies, you may suddenly have a tendency to do so.

What is the school of clairvoyance?

People who are clairvoyant take over the above aspects from their environment. Not everyone is clairvoyant. There are also many people who have other gifts, such as clairvoyance or claircognizance † They therefore take less of the complaints of their environment, which is often the case with high sensitivity (HSP), but see for example, a lot through dreams or the appearance of the environment. I do believe that many people Gave to have. One only translates clairsentience into empathic or clairvoyance into human knowledge.

Learning tip:

to break energy cords
Click on the image to view the home study!

And what can you do with clairvoyance? Simple: find your own self and energy again, if necessary with the help of my training. And then turn your burden into a gift† After that, the quality of your life usually improves nicely and you can either help others or let your other interests in life express themselves even more. Now that no one is energetically interfering with you anymore and you are feeling hungry again!

Also watch a video about taking over specific pain complaints from your environment.

Written By
It is my passion to make the invisible visible.
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